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Struggling with Drugs, Alcohol, and/or Other Addictions? We Are Here to Help

Rockland Recovery Dharma

Helping our community recover from the suffering of addictions of all kinds:

- Drug and Alcohol Misuse

- Substance Use Disorder

- Food Addiction & Eating Disorders

- Behavioral Addictions 


We offer:

- Weekly Group Meetings

- Inquiry Meetings

- Guided Meditation

- Addiction Resources & Workshops

- Peer Support


In-person meetings every Sunday, 6 - 7:30pm 

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

11 White Street

Rockland, Maine 04841




About Rockland Recovery Dharma


Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.


Our Midcoast Maine-based sangha (community of wise friends and mentors) meets every Sunday in downtown Rockland, and also holds additional workshops and meetings from time-to-time (in-person and online).


Sunday evening meetings are an hour and a half to allow ample time for group sharing, guided meditation, and recovery-focused literature reading and discussion. Many of our regular group participants also volunteer to be of help and support during non-meeting hours.


In order for our group to be a safe place to share about recovery, we require that meeting attendees respect the confidentiality of everyone in the room.



















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- Sobriety Meetings Maine

- Sobriety Meetings Midcoast Maine

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- Sobriety Meetings Lincolnville Maine

- Sobriety Meetings Belfast Maine

- Sobriety Meetings Waldoboro Maine

- Addiction Recovery Maine

- Addiction Recovery Midcoast Maine

- Addiction Recovery Rockland Maine

- Addiction Recovery Camden Maine

- Addiction Recovery Lincolnville Maine

- Addiction Recovery Belfast Maine

- Addiction Recovery Waldoboro Maine

- Addiction Recovery Maine

- Addiction Resources Midcoast Maine

- Addiction Resources Rockland Maine

- Addiction Resources Camden Maine

- Addiction Resources Lincolnville Maine

- Addiction Resources Belfast Maine

- Addiction Resources Waldoboro Maine

- Addiction Resources Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Midcoast Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Rockland Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Camden Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Lincolnville Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Belfast Maine

- Substance Use DisorderWaldoboro Maine

- Substance Use Disorder Maine

- AA Meetings Maine

- AA Meetings Midcoast Maine

- AA Meetings Camden Maine

- AA Meetings Rockland Maine

- AA Meetings Lincolnville Maine

- AA Meetings Belfast Maine

- AA Meetings Waldoboro Maine

- Addiction Treatment Maine

- Addiction Treatment Midcoast Maine

- Addiction Treatment Camden Maine

- Addiction Treatment Rockland Maine

- Addiction Treatment  Lincolnville Maine

- Addiction Treatment Belfast Maine

- Addiction Treatment Waldoboro Maine


- Drug Abuse 

- Opioid Addiction

- Narcotics 

- Sex & Love Addiction

- Alternatives to AA Maine

- Alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous Maine

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